by Brackets Digital

Whilst no one can deny that Jez looks great inside our window we would like to see something else in there before it gets full of people enjoying drinks and chatting. 

This window is one of my favourite parts of the building. It’s original from a theatre design perspective and gives a feeling of space and openness once you’re on the bar/café floor. Every time I stand inside it  I get a little tingle of excitement. Standing in mid-air over the pavement I end up smiling at people walking by beneath who look up a bit surprised.

But we can’t stand there all the time and people may get a bit bored of seeing us. (A difficult concept to grasp I know!). That’s why we’ve come up with ‘Window Box Theatre’.   This is a unique opportunity to showcase work, get involved with this exciting new theatre and celebrate the creativity of local young people.
It will be the first creative visual for the public!

You can find more information from our website:

And whilst you are there catch up with our latest news and some great new pictures.

As ever, do spread the word and tell your friends about Window Box Theatre. We want your voices and ideas to help us make this original space everything it can be.

We can’t wait to hear from you.

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